1 | open-mouthed | 108 |
2 | foul-mouthed | 37 |
3 | mealy-mouthed | 21 |
4 | dry-mouthed | 19 |
5 | loud-mouthed | 13 |
6 | wide-mouthed | 12 |
7 | close-mouthed | 4 |
8 | big-mouthed | 3 |
8 | bloody-mouthed | 3 |
8 | slack-mouthed | 3 |
imagine の目的語となっている主語つき動名詞節は全部で 例がありますが、そのうち、所有格の主語は(1a)の1例だけです。同様に、notice の場合は、主語つき動名詞節106例のうち、所有格主語の例は(1b)の1例だけでした。この調査結果からも、動名詞の所有格主語はまれであることを示しています。
(1) | a. | I can imagine his making love to me and it doesn't disgust me.(G07) |
b. | As I marched up and down the quay, the pipes sounded well. The civilians and dockworkers were staring at me, the Commandos coming ashore don't seem to notice my piping. They probably have other things on their minds.(A61) |